The Four Astrological Facets of Jesus by Konstantinos Gravanis

(first published by the Astrological Journal/The Astrological Association of Great Britain/02.11.2015)

Much research has explored the astrology of Christian texts. But the author has developed a fresh perspective: the biblical gospels should be read together as a “four-fold set”, each book representing a star sign as part of an astrologically designed, inter-dependent whole. He reveals a “grand astro-theological programme behind the gospel narrations”

All Scriptures speak in a mysterious language of symbols.
Clement, Stromateis

Astrology and the gospels

aa_gravanis_raphaelComprehending the New Testament’s content and meaning requires effective use of allegorical modes of interpretation.(1) One of the most useful hermeneutic (or interpretive) tools is astrological symbolism, a conclusion based on socio-historical grounds. Astrology was dominant in Hellenistic theology and culture; and Christianity’s documents were formed within the Hellenistic context.

A significant amount of research has explored the astro-theological background of Christian texts. However the astrological essence of the gospels as a four-fold set remains largely unknown.(2)

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Pluto in Capricorn: Is the System Collapsing? by Dr. Vangelis Petritsis

(first published by “The Astrological Journal”, Volume 56-Number 1, January/February 2014, p. 35-39. Dr. Vangelis Petritsis was awarded the fourth prize for this essay at the 2013 Young Astrologers Essay Contest organized by the Astrological Association of Great Britain.)

PlutoEconomic crisis, governmental scandals, deposits haircut, prosecutions against politicians, along with deaths and resignations of political and religious leaders are now part of our daily life and news. All these phenomena seem to greatly reflect Pluto’s transit through the sign of Capricorn and could even be harbingers of events that could mark the end of capitalism as we know it… One will understand the relationship between Pluto in Capricorn and the potential end of capitalism when they first consider the concepts which Pluto and the sign of Capricorn have been associated with. In examining these concepts we follow a basic astrological principle according to which planets symbolize human needs and motivations, whereas zodiac signs depict not only the ways in which these needs are expressed but also the goals these needs aim for.

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The USA Horoscope and the April 2014 Grand Cross by Vassilis Papadolias

Grand CrossMost of us are concerned these days with the Grand Cross of April. Although for many countries, like Greece, the Grand Cross is not necessarily going to bring any catastrophies, for the United States things are a bit more risky. As the Grand Cross activates a primary aspect of its natal chart, namely the Sun/Saturn square. This square is about a basic struggle in the US governing system between the administrative powers (Saturn in MC) and the personality of the Head of the State, namely the President (Sun in the 7th house, close to the 8th house cusp).

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Astrological Concepts in Disney’s Artwork by Konstantinos Gravanis

(first published by “The Astrological Journal”, Volume 55-Number 6, November/December 2013, p. 33-36. Konstantinos Gravanis was awarded the first prize for this essay at the 2013 Young Astrologers Essay Contest organized by the Astrological Association of Great Britain.)
(Illustrations: (C) by Ilias Anastasiou, all rights reserved)
The following essay offers genuine insights into Walt Disney’s astrological concepts. Its introduction summarizes the common astrological background of ancient myths. The first part highlights archetypal planetary symbolism found in various Disney full-lengths, while the second interprets the all-time classic film Fantasia (1940) as an astrological allegory of the “Music of the Spheres”.

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Saturn-Pluto and the Wars of Interest by Vassilis Papadolias

(first publication on

August 1914, September 1939, February and May 1948, October 1956, April and June 1982, September 2001. What do these dates have in common in the history of the 20th century? Significant events in the history of mankind as the start of the first (August 1914) and second (September 1939) World War, international crises impact on the world scene as the war independence of Israel and the Arab-Israeli wars (May 1948, October 1956 invasion of Lebanon in June 1982), coups in Eastern Bloc (communist coup in Czechoslovakia in February 1948 and intervention in Hungary in October 1956), regional conflicts such as War of the Falklands in April 1982 all share a common denominator. The effort to overthrow the established political order by forces based on force of arms, or at least non-legal means. Continue reading

Astrological Psychology by Dr. Vangelis Petritsis

(first publication on

In the first post of my blog I would like to discuss the nature of astrological psychology. In doing so, I will focus my discussion on what the exact nature of astrology is and on how astrology can provide much needed insights to psychology. Understanding and defining astrology, however, does not seem to be an easy thing to do. For instance, one might be quick to classify it as a system of divination, along with tarot-reading, palm-reading and coffee-reading; after all, it is common knowledge that more often than not people consult astrologers in order to hear predictions about their future. Nevertheless, one starts to wonder whether divination is all there is to astrology or whether divination should even count as one of the functions of astrology in the first place. In doubting whether astrologers should make predictions or not, I follow James Hillman’s contention that astrology is “a divine art, but not the art of divination” and I examine other possible definitions of astrology by comparing it first to science and then to mythology, philosophy, religion, and, finally, psychology.

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